An Artificial Intelligence Led Managed Service Provider


Are you ready for the AI revolution in hiring?

Artificial intelligence is disrupting traditional recruitment practices in ways that will fundamentally change how you build your workforce.
Send Job Details

Send Job Details

We receive your requirements via a pre-assigned email
Candidate Search

Candidate Search

Our AI engine looks for passive candidates
Candidate Interview

Candidate Interview

Our AI interviews 100's of potential candidates
Final Selection

Final Selection

A report allows us to select the best candidates

Who we are

AI Recruitment Service Provider

We have developed our own advanced AI Recruitment software that we use to help you find the best candidates, faster and cheaper.

Direct Clients

Our AI gives us an advantage over traditional Agencies.

B2B Clients

Reduce costs by engaging us and benefit from our software.


How does our internal AI software give us an edge?

Artificial intelligence is disrupting traditional recruitment practices in ways that will fundamentally change how you build your workforce.
Mailbox For Resumes

Mailbox For Resumes

Resumes sent to a mailbox are read automatically.
Compare Job Suitability

Compare Job Suitability

Resume compared against job requirements using AI.
Auto-generate Interview Questions

Auto-generate Interview Questions

Interview questions created for any job type.
Rank Interview Answers

Rank Interview Answers

Assess Interview responses using AI.
Auto Select Best Candidates

Auto Select Best Candidates

Assess based on resume and questions
Human Operator Intervention

Human Operator Intervention

Keyword filtering allows intervention during interview.
Employee Knowledge Transfer

Employee Knowledge Transfer

Build agents with knowledge from departing workers.
Final Candidate Selection

Final Candidate Selection

A report allows us to select the best candidates
Role Specific Interviewers

Role Specific Interviewers

Assistants specialised in interviewing for specific roles.
Candidate Identification

Candidate Identification

Our AI engine looks for passive candidates,
Candidate Interviewing

Candidate Interviewing

Our AI interviews 1000's of potential candidates.
Candidate Selection

Candidate Selection

A report allows us to select the best candidates
Hyper-Personalized Emails

Hyper-Personalized Emails

Candidates sent email to entice them to apply.
Internal Profile Database

Internal Profile Database

Candidate database with 1000000's of profiles.
Evaluation Ranking Report

Evaluation Ranking Report

At the end of the process we have a ranking report.
Verification By A Consultant

Verification By A Consultant

Consultant from AIWorkerz validates top picks.
Send Your Job Request


    our service

    Why choose AIWorkerz services
    AI Recruitment

    AIWorkerz Process

    The key benefits of AI in recruitment include increased efficiency, precision in candidate matching, and a significant reduction in unconscious bias. Integrating AI allows you to streamline your hiring process, save valuable time, and make more informed decisions, ultimately enhancing your recruitment strategy.

    AIWorkerz rates passive candidate profiles against your job specifications, ensuring a precise match. The system then sends personalised emails to these passive candidates who meet the criteria, inviting them to apply. As CVs are received, AIWorkerz evaluates them against the job specs.

    Candidates who pass the initial evaluation can participate in AI-based chat interviews. These interviews are conducted by AIWorkerz, which then rates the candidates based on their responses. Finally, the best candidates are presented to the client by an AIWorkerz consultant.

    Revolutionizing Hiring

    Imagine being able to efficiently evaluate every single applicant, no matter how many resumes flood your inbox. With AI, it’s possible. Advanced algorithms can analyze resumes, assess skills, and identify the candidates who are the best match for your open roles – all at lightning speed. No more wasting time on manual screening.

    But AI goes beyond just finding keyword matches. It can conduct comprehensive assessments and interviews, giving you a holistic view of each candidate’s qualifications, competencies, and cultural fit. You’ll gain deep insights that traditional methods can’t provide.
    Perhaps most importantly, AI enables unbiased, data-driven decision-making.

    By relying on objective criteria and algorithms, you can minimize the impact of unconscious biases and ensure a fair evaluation process for every candidate. Diversity, equity, and inclusion can become natural outcomes of your hiring.

    Candidate Sourcing

    Are you struggling to win the war for talent? Tired of losing out on the best candidates to your competitors? The secret weapon you’ve been looking for is AI-powered recruitment.

    Imagine being able to evaluate every single applicant, no matter how many apply. AI makes it possible to use advanced algorithms to analyze resumes, assess skills, and identify the candidates who are the absolute best fit for your open roles. No more relying on keyword matching that causes you to miss hidden gems.

    By leveraging AI, you’ll hire top talent and retain them. Employees hired through AI-driven processes will likely be top performers who stay with your company longer. AI enables you to look beyond surface-level qualifications to find candidates who align with your culture and will thrive long-term.

    AI Recruitment

    Traditional recruitment methods rely heavily on manual processes, limiting access to diverse talent pools and often engaging only active job seekers. This results in a narrow scope of candidates and a time-consuming hiring process.

    AI transforms the hiring process by automating repetitive tasks like resume screening and candidate sourcing. It leverages algorithms to match candidates to job specifications more accurately, reducing human error and bias. AI can scan vast amounts of data, ensuring you find the best fit faster and more efficiently.

    The key benefits of AI in recruitment include increased efficiency, precision in candidate matching, and a significant reduction in unconscious bias. Integrating AI allows you to streamline your hiring process, save valuable time, and make more informed decisions, ultimately enhancing your recruitment strategy.

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